Inaugural EXANTEN €10,000 Winner announced

Inaugural EXANTEN  €10,000 Winner announced

London, 1 August 2022 - EXANTE has announced the winner of its inaugural EXANTEN prize, with Jędrzej Walow from Poland winning the €10k prize. 

The EXANTEN prize, sponsored by EXT Ltd. (hereafter known as  “EXANTE”), which was launched in 2021 in celebration of EXANTE’s 10th birthday, tested participants forecasting skills, with the prize being awarded to the person who best forecast the level at which the following five indices would close at the end of trading (official market closing) on 31 May 2022. 

  • NASDAQ Composite Index
  • FTSE 100
  • Euronext 100
  • Hang Seng Index
  • NYSE Composite Index

Entrants were required to provide a written commentary explaining their forecasts, focusing on economic analysis and interpreting political decisions. Judges were looking for the person who showed the best analysis and reasoning for their forecast, and exhibited a clear understanding of markets. 

Renée Friedman, Editor-in-Chief at EXANTE, says: “We were very impressed by the quality of the forecasts and analysis we received from the contest entrants. Although none of the entrants, in alignment with the majority of the global financial market, predicted the events in Ukraine and the consequent impact it would have on energy and food prices as well as the indices themselves, various entrants did provide very concrete economic and financial reasoning to their forecasts. We were particularly impressed with Mr Walow 's grasp of geopolitical and economic events that laid the foundation for his forecast.”

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