EXANTEN comes to Italy

EXANTEN comes to Italy

Our fifth EXANTEN party took place in Cherasco, Italy on 2 October. We held a reception for our guests at Coppa del Tartufo Bianco d’Alba 2021 ‒ a golf tournament in Cuneo county.

During the reception, Giuseppe Olivero, a Senior Account Manager at EXANTE, shared his vision of the investment landscape in Italy, the prospects for a post-pandemic economy, and how EXANTE, as a wealthtech company, creates opportunities for investors. 

EXANTE provides direct access to Borsa Italiana and all major European exchanges. An EU-licensed organisation, EXANTE renders client services in 10+ languages and is available 24/7.

This year, we’re bringing our tenth anniversary celebrations to many financial hubs whose trading venues are available to our clients through the EXANTE platform.

Our next EXANTEN destination is Madrid, Spain on 7 October. Stay tuned for more news!

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Vashiotis Seafront Building,
3107, Limassol, Chipre, +357 2534 2627
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