EXANTE Update: Bonds Categorisation

EXANTE Update: Bonds Categorisation

We are thrilled to inform you that we have categorised bonds to make your trading more convenient.

Let’s take a closer look at each of the trading options.

Electronic Execution refers to purchasing bonds on your own without liaising with EXANTE’s Trading Desk. 

Fractional Bonds allow you to trade and hold less than one whole share. There are 50 fractional bonds available on EXANTE’s trading platform, each with instant execution. You do not need to contact  EXANTE’s Trading Desk to purchase a fractional bond.

OTC (Over-the-Сounter) refers to how bonds are traded for companies not listed on a formal exchange. Most bonds are OTC-traded. When trading OTC, you deal directly with your counterparty (a broker or a bank) and agree on the buy/sell price. You can trade OTC bonds only via manual execution by contacting orders@exante.eu.

Structured note combines a bond or debt security with a derivative, designed to offer customised returns based on the performance of an underlying asset, index, or a group of assets.

Sukuk is an Islamic financial certificate, similar to a bond, that complies with Sharia law, which prohibits charging or paying interest. Instead of interest, Sukuk holders receive a share of the profits generated by the asset or project that the Sukuk funds. It can be both OTC or Electrointc, depending on the trade type.

More information on the rates is available on our website. If you have any additional questions on the topic, please refer to a dedicated FAQ article or contact our support team at support@exante.eu — we will be happy to assist you.

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