EXANTE Director to visit Ukraine on humanitarian mission

EXANTE Director to visit Ukraine on humanitarian mission

Patrick will travel to Lviv, once a big draw for tourists attracted to its baroque churches and cool cafés, but now at the heart of Europe’s worst refugee crisis. Authorities are scrambling to absorb, feed and house the hundreds of thousand refugees who have come there since Russia’s invasion, which has placed all of its services under unprecedented strain.

In April 2022, EXANTE donated $1 million to UNICEF’s emergency response to support vulnerable children and families impacted by the ongoing war in Ukraine and those who’ve fled to neighbouring countries.

Over 8 million people have fled as refugees, while millions more are displaced within Ukraine and in need of urgent assistance. Many are stranded or are unable to leave Ukraine due to increasing violence, destruction of bridges and roads, and a lack of resources or information on where to find safety and accommodation.

The vast scale of the crisis has generated an extraordinary response in compassion and aid globally. Ukraine has been appreciative of Malta’s efforts. Malta has given almost 2 million in emergency assistance – the amount includes bilateral assistance that primarily focused on medical equipment and medicine. Inside Ukraine, the needs remain enormous, with more than 17 million people seeking urgent humanitarian assistance. 

It is worrying that the conflict shows no sign of abating whilst millions of people have been uprooted from their homes, in what has become the largest and fastest displacement crisis in Europe since World War II.

"Europe’s response to the war has changed our continent. There is an urgent call to scale up humanitarian, recovery, and reconstruction efforts, as well as coordination between aid organisations and local service providers to ensure durable solutions for displaced individuals and families, both inside Ukraine and abroad," says Patrick.

You can follow Patrick’s journey live, with reports from Lviv being broadcast on F Living TV.

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