GLP-1s: How much should they weigh in your portfolio?
January, with its promises of a new starts and a clean slate, means that millions of people yet again promise themselves that “this is the year I’ll lose the weight and get in shape.”
January, with its promises of a new starts and a clean slate, means that millions of people yet again promise themselves that “this is the year I’ll lose the weight and get in shape.”
Tariff threats and tax cut proposals worry traders.
We look at what has happened in the world of global economics and finance over Q4 2024 and what risks and events may affect markets in Q1 2025.
Even though the markets may be taking a breather, our dedicated team remains ready to assist you. During the festive season, our customer service will continue to operate normally. Please note that there will be some adjustments to our regular trading hours.
Where do we see the investment challenges for 2025?
Inflation remains stickier than expected.
China starts retaliatory measures before Trump’s inauguration.
US equities at record highs, dollar stabilises, and yields fall.
As Bitcoin hits the $100,000 mark, an amount that many in the global investment community never thought would happen, it’s time to look back at how one of the most unusual of assets got to this point and why, given that it is not a traditional currency or asset in any way.
November Review: the MAGA 2.0 rally.
A feast for markets as a strong US economy continues to produce growth.
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