¿Cómo está afectando a los mercados la alquimia arancelaria de Trump?
Los rendimientos a largo plazo alemanes se disparan mientras Europa promete aumentar su gasto en defensa
We are thrilled to announce that EXANTE has been named the Best Trading Platform of the Year UK 2024 by the Brands Review Magazine.
EXANTE has been honoured as the ‘Fastest Growing Investment Company’ in the UK for 2024 by Brands and Business Magazine.
EXANTE is proud to announce that we have been awarded the title of ‘Best Multi-Asset Broker 2024’ by Incode.
EXANTE is proud to announce that it has been shortlisted as the “Proptech Innovation Provider of the Year” award at the 14th Annual CEE Investment Awards.
EXANTE is proud to announce that it has been shortlisted as the “Emerging Fintech Company of the Year” at the Fintech Awards 2024!
We proudly announce that EXANTE has been awarded “Most Innovative WealthTech & Trading Service 2024” at the FinTech Awards hosted by Wealth & Finance International.
EXANTE has been shortlisted for the ‘Outstanding Services to the Customer’ category at the highly esteemed Broker Innovation Awards 2024.
We are excited to announce that EXANTE has been shortlisted for the prestigious Global Brand Frontier Awards 2024 in the category “Fastest Growing Investment Company - United Kingdom.”
EXANTE has been nominated in a few prestigious categories by Rankia, a leading financial community.
EXANTE has been recognised as Highly Commended in the Product or Service of the Year category at the Diversity in Finance Awards 2024.
Keep your fingers crossed; EXANTE has been shortlisted as ‘Trading Platform of the Year’ in the prestigious Leaders in Fintech Awards 2024.
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