Alexander Shkut

Business Development Director

Експерт у:Wealth managementBond issuingPrime BrokerageFixed incomeHedge fundsDerivativesREPO dealsResidency ProgrammesValuationM&A

Alexander Shkut has worked around the world in Belarus, Spain, the US, Ukraine, and Russia. Alexander is a professional Investment Banker with an entrepreneurial background. In particular, he advised in 50+ investment projects across several sectors. Alexander is conducting PhD research in Investment Funds. He published 25+ scientific articles in reputable journals. Also, Alexander was a US Department of State Professional Fellow in Fall 2019. As a CFA charterholder and an active regular member of the CFA Institute and CFA Society, he follows the highest ethics requirements in the financial industry for the ultimate benefit of the society. Alexander is pursuing a career in investments by making use of his market knowledge, understanding of both systematic and discretionary trading strategies, and his contacts in all areas of the industry – institutional investors, high-net-worth individuals, hedge funds, asset managers, introducing brokers, and investment banks. Alexander is helping EXANTE to raise capital for corporate clients, allocate institutional investments and provide direct market access to banks and professional traders.

  • Asset management
  • Speaks three languages
  • PhD Candidate in Finance
  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA®)
  • Institutional investors relationships
  • Financial modeling expertise

Created by professionals. For professionals.

EXANTE є регульованим брокером, ліцензованим організацією CySEC (Кіпр). EXANTE надає брокерські послуги широкому колу професійних трейдерів, включаючи інституційних інвесторів, хедж-фонди та менеджерів активів.

EXT LTD не залучає клієнтів, які є резидентами Росії, Сингапуру, США та певних інших юрисдикцій, як це визначено нашими внутрішніми політиками.

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Версія 1.19.1