EXANTE Sponsored Finance Magnates’ Virtual Summit 2020

EXANTE was an exhibitor at Virtual Summit and exclusive sponsor of Finance Magnates’ Virtual Awards Ceremony that celebrated prominent industry players in 22 categories.

The summit on November 18, 2020, hosted trading, fintech, digital assets and payments companies. Finance Magnates provided the infrastructure to organise personal online meetings between exhibitors and attendees.

Eight team members worked in EXANTE’s virtual booth for 14 consecutive hours, attending to prospects’ queries and showcasing the EXANTE solutions in real time. Our experts elaborated on the trading platform, DMA, financial instruments, onboarding, funding, order placement and other topics.

The team held 50+ one-on-one sessions and yielded one special award. Kudos to EXANTE’s Graham Cottis - a Top-3 scorer in the conference Leaderboard!

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