EXANTE Sets the Pace for M2S Road Race in Malta

EXANTE Sets the Pace for M2S Road Race in Malta

EXANTE is excited to attend the Mdina 2 Spinola (M2S) “Traditional Xmas Road Race” on Sunday, 22 December 2024. 

This iconic event—held annually since 1979 and in its 46th edition—features a stunning 10.8-mile (17.4 km) route passing through Malta’s historic towns and scenic waterfronts. 

The race begins at 07:00 and has a time limit of two and a half hours, concluding with a celebratory finish at Spinola Bay.

Representing EXANTE at the event is Daria Ivanova, Corporate Actions Specialist, who will join over a thousand other participants taking on the route. 

“M2S has long brought together runners from all walks of life to enjoy Malta’s beauty while challenging themselves,” Daria said. “I’m looking forward to being part of this great tradition.”

While registration is full, those interested can still join the waiting list. 

For more information, visit maltamarathon.com.

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