EXANTE meets with President of Malta, Dr George Vella

EXANTE meets with President of Malta, Dr George Vella

On 22 September 2023, EXANTE’s Patrick J O Brien and Natalia Taft had a courtesy meeting with HE President of Malta, Dr George Vella at San Anton Palace. The President commended EXANTE’s CSR initiatives, focusing on Mr O Brien’s recent visit to Ukraine. During their meeting with his Excellency, the EXANTE representatives discussed many varied topics relating to Malta's role and place within the European Union.

Dr Vella served as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Malta (2013-2017). During this term he developed and broadened the extent of Malta's foreign policy by leading high-level delegations to countries across the globe. Among his regular appointments, Dr Vella represented Malta at the Foreign Affairs Council of the European Union, where his involvement on Mediterranean-related issues was very visible.

Dr George Vella is the tenth President of the Republic of Malta, by virtue of a Parliamentary Resolution passed on 7th March 2019 by the House of Representatives.

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