St. Patrick's Day celebration at EXANTE

St. Patrick's Day celebration at EXANTE

EXANTE shone St. Patrick’s green. On 17 March, the entire Malta office joined our Irish colleagues to celebrate the Irish national holiday – St. Patrick's Day. 

The event was hosted by EXANTE’s Executive Director Patrick O'Brien. Special guests of the event included H.E. Caroline Whelan, Ambassador of Ireland to Malta, and H.E. Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca, former President of Malta, who were joined by renowned Irish guests Diarmuid O’Conghaile, Managing Director of Wizz Air Malta, and David O’Brien, CEO of Malta Air and Lauda Air, among others. 

As Patrick O'Brien reflects, ‘it’s a day when everyone wants to be a little Irish.’ We were thrilled to welcome a great variety of guests from all over the world, and celebrate the strong ties between Malta and Ireland. We thank our guests for the marvelous event!

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