EXANTE Will Take Part in Finance Magnates Virtual Summit

The EXANTE Sales Team will attend, and exhibit at, Finance Magnates’  Virtual Summit on 18 November 2020. The Team will be available in a virtual booth for 14 consecutive hours, 8 AM to 10 PM UK time, to answer the questions and showcase the EXANTE trading solutions.

‘When you can’t do business in person, maximise your business networking online!’, reads the event motto. Virtual Summit will bring together a host of online companies engaged in trading, fintech, digital assets and payments. The organisers will facilitate 1:1 meetings, video and audio calls as well as live chats between exhibitors and attendees.

Our Sales Team will answer any questions on the EXANTE trading platform, available instruments, onboarding, funding, order placement and beyond.

Register and meet the EXANTE representatives online! 

This year, the Finance Magnates Awards are going virtual as well. EXANTE is running for the Best Multi-Asset Platform award. This is a big thing for traders, banks, brokers and liquidity providers. Let's keep our fingers crossed!

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