EXANTE Joins The Conference.Exchanges DeFi Edition as Media Partner

EXANTE Joins The Conference.Exchanges DeFi Edition as Media Partner

EXANTE steps up as a Media Partner of The Conference.Exchanges. Its DeFi Edition is going to be the third event of The Conference.Exchanges series and will take place online on March 5, 2021.

Decentralized Finance or DeFi is the newest development in the blockchain-driven industry of financial innovations. The DeFi trend experienced a powerful takeoff in 2020 and is set to continue in 2021, supported by the recent start of a multi-year crypto bull market. 

DeFi is envisioned by many as the next major disruptive innovation since the inception of Bitcoin itself. It can change the very essence of banking as a whole, as well as loans, bank deposits, insurance markets, and much more. With millions of users and $25 bln of TVL today, the Decentralized Finance realm is maintaining its explosive growth as we speak. 

On November 14th, 2019, The Meetup.Exchanges was Asia’s first specialized event for crypto exchanges and crypto traders held as a part of the Singapore Fintech Festival and Blockshow Asia. It attracted more than 150 attendees and 13 speakers from 10 countries.

On March 5th, 2020, The Conference.Exchanges: Amsterdam was held just prior to the lockdown. More than 200 participants and 15 speakers from 13 countries gathered for discussion and networking. Speakers representing the following companies and projects were present: ABCC Exchange, OKEX, EXMO, Binance, Huobi, Shapeshift, Bitfury, Stratx, Indacoin, Amsterdam Stock Exchange, Crypto.com, Hacken, Changelly, and others.

Now, back to the future. The next event, The Conference.Exchanges DeFi Edition, will be held online.

Topics to be discussed at the conference:

  • Crypto world in 2021: plans & expectations
  • DeFi market 2021
  • DEX vs CEX
  • Yield farming & AMM
  • Arbitrage & trading strategies
  • Security frauds
  • Regulation & legal issues
  • And more! 

Top DeFi projects are booking the date to participate and will be announced soon in the event’s feeds, so subscribe to stay tuned: LinkedIn, Twitter, Telegram, Facebook.

In order to take part in the conference, reach out at hello@theconference.exchange.

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