EXANTE Shortlisted for Emerging Fintech Company of the Year Award at Fintech Awards 2024

EXANTE Shortlisted for Emerging Fintech Company of the Year Award at Fintech Awards 2024

EXANTE is proud to announce that it has been shortlisted as the “Emerging Fintech Company of the Year” at the Fintech Awards 2024! The winners will be announced in an award ceremony that will take place on Wednesday, 2nd October 2024, at The Round Room at The Mansion House, Dublin.

The National Fintech Awards, now in its second year, are dedicated to celebrating excellence and innovation within Ireland's burgeoning fintech industry. The event highlights the achievements of startups and established firms, recognising their contributions to making the industry more innovative, diverse, and inclusive.

EXANTE's shortlisting for the Emerging Fintech Company of the Year Award underscores our continued commitment to pushing boundaries in financial technology and establishing our footprint in Ireland! 

Learn more about the event: https://fintechawards.ie/

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