EXANTE scoops multiple Rankia nominations as Best Broker

EXANTE scoops multiple Rankia nominations as Best Broker

EXANTE has been nominated in a few prestigious categories by Rankia, a leading financial community.

EXANTE is in the running for Best Broker to Buy Stocks, Best Broker to Buy ETFs, Best Futures and Options Broker, Best Multi-Product Broker, and Best Broker Offering Bonuses, among others.

This recognition highlights EXANTE's comprehensive and versatile services, reinforcing its reputation as a top-tier brokerage with a global offering in stocks, ETFs, bonds, derivatives, commodities, metals, and more.

Rankia, established in 2003, is a prominent financial community and information platform known for its objective and thorough analysis of financial products and services. The Rankia Awards celebrate excellence in the financial sector, recognising companies that demonstrate outstanding performance, innovation, and customer service.

Tento článek je poskytován pouze pro informační účely a neměl by být považován za nabídku nebo výzvu k nákupu nebo prodeji jakýchkoli investic nebo souvisejících služeb, jejichž odkazy se v něm můžou vyskytovat.

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3107, Limassol, Cyprus, +357 2534 2627
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