EXANTE Shortlisted for the Systems in the City Financial Technology Awards 2024

EXANTE Shortlisted for the Systems in the City Financial Technology Awards 2024

EXANTE has been shortlisted for the Systems in the City Financial Technology Awards 2024 in the "Client Online Application" category. 

Presented by Goodacre, these awards recognise the key players and systems providers in the global financial services sector. Nominee vetting includes a detailed accreditation process overseen by three independent judges.

To help us take home the prize, please share some positive feedback about your experience with us here

Winners in all categories will be announced on Thursday, June 20th. Thank you for your support!

Tento článek je poskytován pouze pro informační účely a neměl by být považován za nabídku nebo výzvu k nákupu nebo prodeji jakýchkoli investic nebo souvisejících služeb, jejichž odkazy se v něm můžou vyskytovat.

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, +357 2534 2627
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