March Review: March Madness
Investors and, more importantly, central bank officials have adopted a wait-and-see approach to the mercurial announcements of potential US tariffs on imports.
At EXANTE, we thrive on challenge – in finance and fitness.
Dubai, UAE, 5 March 2025 – Against a backdrop of geopolitical uncertainty and shifting financial markets, global fintech leader EXANTE is set to host one of its flagship Horizon events at the Palace Downtown in Dubai on 8 April 2025.
Our team members remind us that EXANTErs are not only the smartest but also the strongest.
We are excited to announce that the upgraded interface of the EXANTE Trading Platform is now available to all our clients. This isn’t just an update – it’s a transformation designed to elevate your trading experience.
EXANTE is a proud official partner of the LifeStar Malta Marathon 2025, to be held on Sunday, 23 February.
Globally recognised fintech brand EXANTE, operating from Cyprus-registered EXT Ltd, has opened a new office in Warsaw, after receiving the seal of approval from the Polish Financial Supervision Authority.
EXANTE is excited to attend the Mdina 2 Spinola (M2S) “Traditional Xmas Road Race” on Sunday, 22 December 2024.
6 December 2024. EXANTE is pleased to name Maria Gritsenko as its new Global Head of Legal.
Dubai, UAE - 26 November 2024 - Globally recognised fintech brand EXANTE has opened a new office in the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).
We are thrilled to inform you that we have categorised bonds to make your trading more convenient.
24 October 2024 – EXANTE, a leading brokerage solutions provider, is pleased to announce the integration with Bloomberg’s Execution Management System (EMS), enabling clients to leverage Bloomberg’s high-performance execution.
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